* Checked Week 15 Vocabulary - (yesterdays homework) and reviewed definitions with students citing words in real word examples and uses. Students who do not have the words completed receive a zero for the assignment because they are given an entire class period to get this work completed. Week 15 words and definitions are listed below in this email as well as on my blog. QUIZ - Week 15 vocabulary quiz will be this Friday 2/11/2011. I hope to play a review game with students tomorrow - however time will dictate if that is possible, please have students study and review words a little each evening leading up to Friday.
* Passed back Week 14 Vocabulary Quiz - quizzes were passed back and reviewed as a group. I then collected quizzes to be included in student conference portfolios. Grades have been entered in the online grade book for your review.
* Started review of our poetry unit. We discussed as a group the meaning and importance of history as well as the role it plays in our lives and culture. We discussed different types of poetry and techniques. I wrapped up this discussion by reading the sonnet XVIII Shall I Compare Thee to a Summers Day? by William Shakespeare and If by Rudyard Kipling.
* HOMEWORK - (Due tomorrow 2/10/2011) - Students were given a handout explaining how to write limericks and free verse poetry. We reviewed and read examples of both types of poetry and wrote examples of both as a class. Students were then given half a class to complete today's homework assignment which is to write two limericks and one free verse poem to be read aloud in class tomorrow. I will read students poems IF THEY ARE TYPED, otherwise students must read their own work. Please assist students with rhythm and rhyme schemes of limericks - which rhyme AABBA. Students struggled to understand the difference in rhythm in A lines vs B lines.
* REQUEST - please send students to school tomorrow with old magazines that can be cut up, used and discarded. I am specifically looking for magazines with colorful or interesting font selection. PLEASE SEND ME YOUR OLD MAGAZINES!
* HOMEWORK - READING RESPONSE - Due Monday 2/14/2011 - Parents and guardians please stay on top of your child's Reading Responses. Remember, the purpose of the Reading Response is to monitor and make certain students are reading at home. If students are getting frustrated with Reading Response I am open to other options - but they must discuss ideas/suggestions with me in advance. Simply not doing the work is not an option and will incur a zero grade - these zeros quickly add up and are detrimental to final language arts grades.
* Parent Teacher Conferences - I will be sending an update to parents and guardians I am conferencing with in the near future. The District is allowing teachers to make up conferences through several different venues including - a traditional face to face meeting, email, phone or even SKYPE (yes! we are equipped with Skype)
Week 15
1. colossal – extraordinarily great in size, extent, or degree, gigantic; huge
2. dolorous – full of, expressing or causing great pain or sorrow; grievous; mournful
3. emblazon – to decorate with brilliant or bright colors
4. inherent – existing in someone or something as a permanent and inseparable element, part or quality
5. combustible – capable of catching fire and burning; flammable
6. menial – lowly and sometimes degrading
7. forensic – pertaining to, connected with, or used in courts of law or public discussion and debate; suited for argument
8. implacable – not to be appeased, mollified, or pacified, can’t be calmed down
9. embroil– to bring into discord or conflict; to involve in contention or strife
10. impish – mischievous, trouble making; characteristic of an imp
11. fraud – deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, trying to gain profit or gain by unfair or dishonest advantage or practices
12. languid – sluggish or inactive, spiritless, weary, exhausted
13. emollient – having the power of softening or relaxing, soothing – (esp) to the skin
14. mania – excessive excitement or enthusiasm; craze
15. emote – to show or pretend emotion; to portray emotion in acting
16. fickle – likely to change, not constant or loyal
17. implicate – to show to be involved, usually in an incriminating manner: to be implicated in a crime
18. eminence – high station, rank, or repute; an elevated position
19. ingrate – an ungrateful person
20. insidious – intended to entrap or beguile, stealthily treacherous or deceitful
21. satire – the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like in exposing vice, folly or foolishness; a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision or ridicule
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